In Wedding albums, we capture our best moments of the wedding. We can just relive our wedding day through wedding albums. These are some of the priceless moments that one can capture in the wedding album.
Here are some of the best moments that one must not forget to capture in the wedding album:

Here comes the groom. This is the ultimate moment where the groom and his family is just dancing and so happy and filled with excitement.

This moment is very precious as the bride gets dressed up with her cousins and spend some of the most valuable moments of joy and laughter of getting married.

These are some of the adorable moments when the groom and bride are just caught up with some cute candid moments on the camera.

Friends make the functions more special with their presence.

The best moment when the bride is accompanied by her sisters towards the groom. It is just another beautiful moment of the wedding.

It is that precious moment when they put that floral mala into each other as the knot tied with each other.

Bride and groom take their 7 vows, how can you skip the picture from this moment.

That is the most emotional moment of the wedding where the bride cries and hugs each and every family member.

The moment from where everything began.
Happy wedding !