Winter has started with the start of November, winters are gonna be chiller than previous years, due to global warming it has proven that global warming will bring more cold in winters and more heat in summers, and I can surely say that this year Diwali has broked all records of pollution as this year burning crackers was allowed which has caused increased global warming which leads increased cold in winters, to protect yourself from cold in winters you must have these winters must have before there prices go up,
let us get started,
Electric Hot Water Bag-

This is a very useful tool in winters especially, you don’t need to heat the water again and again in your old hot water bag instead use this electric hot water bag just plug this into any socket and this bag will heat up and you can heat it as many times you want. you can carry it with you anywhere, where ever electricity is available, whether on your trips or hostel to keep yourself warm.
Use jaggery instead of sugar-
Use jaggery instead of sugar in your every tea or coffee as jaggery has warming properties, it has heat in it it will give you warmth from inside whenever you consume but take it in less quantity as it is very warm it can cause side-effect in your body like loose motions, ance, etc.

mini heater-
There are many mini heaters available online like on amazon or Flipkart, they are very cheap and portable for a small house, it is very budget-friendly and useful to keep you and your kids warm as kids can catch a cold very easily and their health can go worse very easily.

Kashmiri Kahwa –
This is tea is a traditional beverage of Kashmir. It is a combination of great taste and health benefits. It is good for the skin, aids digestion acts as a natural energy drink, helps reduce stress, and strengthens the immune system and very helpful in cold and cough in winters, and keeps you warm all day.

Coconut oil-
Virgin cold-pressed coconut oils are great for cooking as well as skincare. Such oils are prepared without chemicals or heating, thereby retaining the health benefits of the oil. Vitamin K and E present in coconut oil are important to maintain the health of our skin and hair, it is very important to keep your body moisturized all day with coconut oil as in winters our skin becomes dry and itchy which can be treated by coconut oil.