We have heard this from our parents and elders that we should sleep on time, wake on time and there is famous saying also “early to rise and early to bed makes a man wise”.

But we think that this all this nonsense, waking early is too uncool and we sleep till 3 in night at wake at 12 in noon.

We consider this time as very cool time to wake but by this time schedule you are wasting your whole time and money, you’re wasting your life, your career, 8 hours of sleeping is considered to be good , less than and more than this is considered to be Harmful either wise.

By waking early you can spend time with yourself , I am not saying to walk or exercise but to find sometime for yourself, to find solution for all those things which are irritating you in your life, find time for those problems and solve them and not just let it go, if you won’t find time for yourself how can you say that you love yourself, waking up early is not only good for your physical health but for your mental health too. And if you’re suffering from mental illness you must wake early to heal even better and just sit in fresh air for 1 hour.Dont exercise just sit even in your balcony or terrace or just go for a early morning walk.

to meditate or just listen to the bird chirping, solve all your problems, observe people, observe nature, take a good sunbath. If you have a terrace then do yoga to relax your mind muscles. Following this method you will see a difference in few weeks, you’ll wale fresher, you’ll Overthink less, you will be more confident.

Sleeping more than 8 hours will make you feel lazy and lethargic all day, you will feel tired and sleepy all day and if you wake early than 8 hours than you may wake irritated and sad , and be like this all day, you will not want to talk to anybody, so 8 hours of sleep is necessary and enough.

After 8 hours you shouldn’t be in bed you should wake and start your day. Find time for yourself and if you not than you may loose your control over your life.
“Every single day is a good day no matter how bright or dark it is because it always brings an opportunity to start a positive beginning in your life.”