Green tea is considered to be very healthy for health, it has medicinal properties which will help you in many ways in your daily routine. People these days stuff themselves with junk food and cola which makes them lazy and fat, but they don’t know those small efforts like regular exercising, yoga, portion control can bring a big change in their life. one of them is drinking green tea, drinking green tea after meals can really help you to digest even junk food, it will reduce acid levels generated in your gall bladder and digest it very fastly than normal. it is a quick hack to digest food. drink green tea every night before sleeping and it will digest all your food till morning as our metabolism is fast at night and drinking green tea at night will be cherry on top of the cake. Some more benefits of green tea are-
Helps in Digestion –
As we have already discussed that green tea helps in boosting metabolism, especially at night as our metabolism is active at night and green helps to boost the metabolism even more. Sometimes we can’t say no to our friends and sometimes we ourselves want something to eat outside as one cant have home food all week and eat junk food outside and then we suffer acidity and digestion problem, we worry about weight gain, but we can manage it by drinking green tea just after eating junk food.

Green tea keeps you active and energetic the whole day after drinking green tea the whole day, you stay healthy and active you don’t feel lazy and lethargic and work even better, and can concentrate on work even more. You should also include exercise and yoga in your daily life to increase your metabolism even more and to feel more healthy, active, and energetic. They are many green tea’s available in the market you can buy any one of your choices, every green tea is good, it is not important what brand it is, the only important thing is to drink it daily at least 3 times a day to see noticeable differences, replace it with your normal milk tea’s and feel the difference your self.

Weight management-
Green tea helps in weight management as well, as it fastens up the digestion process and helps you do not face any acidity or even you feel that overrated or you feel you ate more calories you may drink it and feel lite.
Face glow-
Green tea not only helps in digesting food, acidity, overeating, calorie management but it helps in many more ways as well, when the tea bags of green tea dry out you can use those tea bags as green tea mask, here’s how – use used green tea leaves and crush them into a thin paste and apply it for 15 min and by using this regularly it can help in acne reduction, also drinking green tea will help in reducing acne and gives you glowing and clear skin,