The first and the foremost step in process of selecting a partner for marriage is matching of kundalis. The astrologer checks and matches horoscopes, position of planets, sun signs and moon signs before marriage. According to sources, India is the country with lowest divorce rate. Is matching kundali before marriage is the reason behind lowest divorce rate? Answer maybe opinionative maybe.

To ensure a happy and peaceful life of couple after marriage. To determine that how mentally, physically, spiritually our married life would be. Indian believe that when marriages are done after matching kundalis they last longer.
Matching kundalis basically mean matching gun in each partner’s kundali. This is known as Astrakut Melakap. This process includes counting gun. Out of 36 gun we see how many gun are common in both the partner’s kundalis.
Matching of mental and emotional compatibility is important than being physically compatible.36 gun represents 36 qualities. The scores of both the partners are matched. If maximum gun are matched we can say that its a good match.
This also gives the person an opportunity to excel in the fields where their marks are less to make their married life smooth.

Another way of matching kundalis is determining positions of planets i.e. dosh in kundalis. If according to planets positions a person is manglik, it is advised that a person should marry manglik person to balance the dosh .

If matching horoscopes results in chances of divorce, or any conflicts, extra marital affair or being cheated these could be avoided. Considering these signs may save both the partners from engaging in a wrong relationship.
Matching kundalis has proven its worth many out of 10, 8 marriages are proved to be successful who matched their kundalis before marriage. There is no hard and fast rule that if they don’t match kundali marriage will result in failure, if kundalis are matched chances of divorce decreases.

Believing in horoscopes, sun signs and matching kundalis is not superstitious but believing them blindly may have some negative consequences. A successful married life depends upon trust, loyalty and understanding.