Are you one of those females who loves to put on makeup but the summer heat doesn’t allow you to? For this and many other problems, we are presenting to you a host of makeup ideas to stay glamorous despite the humid weather. All you need to do is go through the tips and choose the one which suits you the most.

Whether you are oily-skinned, dry-skinned, or normal, some options cover all the fashion divas out there! We have shortlisted the most important trends for your eyes, lips, and overall get up. Hope this collection helps you out!
• Eyes; the windows to your soul

Heard that your eyes can do the talking too? Whoever said that was extremely right! This year, you can adorn your face by simply wearing eyeliner and minimal shadows. As you have to put on your mask for almost the whole day, you can experiment only with your eyes. That being said, make sure you make the best use as colored eyeliners are rocking nowadays.

For enhanced eye-makeup, studs and embellishments are also possible. If you wish to do it yourself, you can learn the process quite easily.
Whether you like it bold or wavy, twin-color shadows are sure to add a funky touch to your overall look. Kajal, too, is never out of fashion. For those who are beginners, match your shadow with the lipstick shade, and boom!

• The no-makeup makeup glam

All the economic ladies who don’t like their products to be wiped away by the stubborn face mask can opt for this one. Apply your foundation, do a bit of touch-up for your wrinkles and blemishes, and you’re good to go. If you’re still concerned about your look, wear fashionable masks to set a style statement. Don’t forget your lashes as even the simplest looks are incomplete without mascara!
“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones”

If you are comfortable with nude shades, you can easily find your favorites as a lot of new shades are available due to the rising demand. For those who think their look is incomplete without lipstick, go for it without thinking even once!

• Keep it simple and sober

As people have been locked inside their houses for more than a year now, preferences have changed. As per your choice, just wear a classic black eyeliner and combine it with neatly done lashes.
If you don’t like to enhance many parts of your face, smoky eyes never disappoint anyone. Make sure your makeup is smudge-proof and you wear a layer of sunscreen as well. Also, don’t sleep with makeup on as it might harm your skin; which is already battling high temperatures.
“The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.”

Happy summers everyone!