Earth is a place of living for all of us, but as travelers we love to explore this world, some of us want to travel the world, want to see and explore new cities , new culture, new rituals, and new people. But even as travelling lovers we often get busy in our lives ,we sometimes miss the beautiful places that we we all have work , kids ,parents and our responsibility we cant leave them and do only travel. As travelling also requires money for which we have to work. So why not make our World tour short and let me tell you some treasures of the earth that you should never miss And must travel these places for sure.
Here’s the list of places you should never miss on any cost,
First one in our list is Himalayas if you are a true mountain lover you would want to travel here again and again , you cant find anything beautiful than this. The Himalayas is a mountain range in the Asia .it touches across five countries which are – Bhutan, china, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The word Himalayas is made up of two Sanskrit words- him which means snow and alaya which means house which brings the word the Himalaya. Himalayas have the longest mountains in the world. Mount Everest known as the longest mountain in the world is found in Himalayas is believed that also that lord shiv resides in Himalayas, that is why Kedarnath temple the very known temple is also located there.
Himalayas is covered with large mountains and rivers, it is a perfect destination for travelers , one must visit at least once in there lifetime, it has breathtaking views, adventures ,one can return back from Himalayas but there heart will reside in Himalayas. Himalayas are divided into many sub cities ,it is a major hub of Indian as well as international tourists for viewing the breath taking scenery and enjoy there rich culture and festivals.

Great barrier reef-
Next up we have, the Great barrier reef, it is located in the coral sea off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. Almost several decades old. it is the single biggest structure that can be even seen from the outer space ,the length of the reef is 2300 km from Queensland, Australia, to the Papuan new guinea coastline.

Grand Canyon-
Next up we have, Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is located in the states of Arizona which is in America and parts of Nevada as well. As the Colorado rivers and its tributaries flowed through the canyon, it cut through layer after layer of rock, eroding it and exposing the walls of the canyon slowly. the first European who visited the grand canyon was Garcia Lopez de Cardenas from Spain in 1540.

Bora-Bora is a tropical island in the society islands group in the French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France in the pacific ocean. Sparkling turquoise lagoon, white sandy stretches Of beach and lush green vistas make Bora-Bora a natural beauty.

Niagra falls-
Niagra Falls is a voluminous waterfall straddling the international border between Canada and the USA,it is the most visited waterfall in the world and the most powerful in North America.

Amazon Rainforest-
The amazon rainforest is the forest that grows in the tropical basin of the amazon river in south America. The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, followed by peru, Colombia,venezuela,ecuador,bolvia,guyana,suriname and french guiana. It is the worlds biggest tropical rainforest as well as being the worlds largest river basin. It harbours 10% of the worlds known species and teems with life.

Antarctica is a continent around South Pole. Situated mainly within the Antarctic circle, it is almost entirely covered by ice sheets. Earths southernmost continent, Antarctica is the world’s largest cold dessert.

LAKE Tahoe-
Lake Tahoe is a stunningly beautiful freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada of the United States. It is well known for the clarity of its water and the panorma of surrounding mountains on all sides. It is the largest Alpine lake in North America and the second deepest lake in USA.