If I had one piece of advice for people today who want to feel more joy in their lives, it would be to travel more. I don’t mean taking vacations or going on pre-planned excursions; I mean going somewhere you’ve never been before with an open schedule and letting life reveal you what opportunities were waiting for you that you couldn’t have imagined before.

Traveling is fantastic in so many ways. It instils in us a sense of wanderlust, leaving us yearning for more countries to travel, cultures to encounter, food to eat, and people to meet. As fantastic as travel is, most of us believe that we must wait until we are older to truly discover much of the world. I want to inspire you to travel more now, so I’ll share 9 beautiful benefits of travelling with you so you may take the leap of faith you’ve been waiting for.
You’ll discover a new calling

Traveling is an incredibly undervalued investment in oneself. When you travel, you are exposed to more new people, cultures, and lifestyles than you would if you stayed in your native country all the time. With all of the newness in your life, you’re also open to new ideas, ways of perceiving the world, and methods of living, which frequently gives people a new purpose in life. If you’re unsure about your life’s purpose, what you want to accomplish with your life, or what job or educational path you want to take, go here. Travel…you could be amazed at what you uncover as a new sense of purpose and direction in your life.

You’ll value your home more
We become more aware and thankful of the amenities we have back at home when we spend time away from home, especially in places where we don’t have the same pleasures readily available to us, such as a hamlet in Fiji that runs without electricity. I recall going to see my cousin in Argentina after she’d been there for about a year. I paid her a visit around Christmas and got her the new Harry Potter book, as well as other basic items that can be found practically everywhere in Los Angeles. She was overjoyed and overjoyed with appreciation, as though she I’ve just received the best present in the world. People in other regions of the world, such as India and Ethiopia, do not have as much access to clean drinking water…especially from the tap. Traveling through such locations makes us appreciate what we have and can frequently inspire the movement of something to help people living there have a better quality of life.

You’ll realise how much you didn’t know about the world
Then there’s experience, and then there’s concept. When we travel, we may realise that some of the things we’ve heard about the globe turn out to be extremely different from what we were taught and conditioned to think. Many of the first myths to be debunked are often regarding travel itself. . Whereas you may have previously felt it was too expensive and unsafe, you may now discover that you may save more money on your lifestyle expenses by travelling the world than by staying at home.
You may also notice how kind and polite strangers can be, and how they are prepared to provide you with a place to sleep at night. Aside from that, you have the entire world to learn about with each new location you visit, each new person you meet, and each new culture you encounter.

You’ll notice that we all have comparable requirements
Tony Robbins has stated numerous times that no matter what your background is, all humans share six basic wants. As you travel more, you realise how true this is even more… As a result, you become more competent at relating to others regardless of their background.
You’ll realise how simple it is to create new pals

One of the first things I discovered while travelling alone was how simple it is to establish new acquaintances. Something miraculous happens when people get out of their conditioned environment and are free to express themselves without fear of being criticised. That rawness and authenticity inspires others to be authentic, which is how you may become best friends with individuals you’ve only known for a few hours.

You will become aware of humanity’s interconnectedness
Just as we see how we have comparable requirements, we also note how our perception of our As our circle of friends grows to include people from many origins and cultures, we begin to see how we are all related. This state of awareness represents a shift in consciousness, namely in how we see the environment, our life experiences, and ourselves.

Ken Wilber describes consciousness as spiral dynamics, with each level of consciousness being inclusive of the one before it. Traveling, I believe, often helps people experience a world-centric vision of consciousness, and some even integrate it…being able to see, comprehend, and embrace all states of consciousness, and utilising the gifts of whatever is best and most appropriate at the time.