Pre-wedding shoots or Couple Photoshoots are fancy, expensive and trending these days. Wedding photography is not just shoot that take place nowadays, people go for a pre-wedding shoot, that is, photography session before the wedding. In this the bride and groom go a photo session on a mutual understanding. People who want to capture the natural moments, expressions and real emotions of their togetherness.

After few years of marriage of the couple, when they take a look at these pictures of pre-wedding shoots, wedding and the reception they can relive their best moment of life. For a great shoot it needs great location. Some of the best places for good pre-wedding shoots in India are listed below.
Have Them Wear Coordinating Outfits
The model mindset is aided by what they wear. On top of this, you can tell from the way a person poses and their facial expression if they are comfortable or not. Always tell your models to wear something that makes them feel confident, as well as comfortable in. If the models are going to make them run, jump or sit, tell them ahead of time. This way their choice will allow them to move freely.

To give a sense of connection and so that couple can complement each other, get them to coordinate outfits. However, this doesn’t mean they have to be dressed the same way! Have the couple wear colors that complement each other. And don’t forget to think about fashion style too. As you go through this article, notice how the couples’ clothing is complimentary.
Make necessary adjustments before Shoot
Before you start the couple photoshoot, let your models know that you will direct them. You might also tell them if they need to adjust their hair or clothes. You want them to look lovely in the photos and it is your responsibility to make them look as great as possible. Pay attention to how they look, both on and off the LCD screen. They will appreciate your attitude. This will also help them relax, knowing that they have one less thing to worry about. Get used to always checking their hair and clothes before pressing the shutter release.

Get Them to Talk About Their Romance
The great thing about working with couples is that they can interact with each other. They will help each other fall into natural poses and situations. This helps them relax and not feel so awkward as a single model might feel in front of the camera. They both know what makes the other smile or laugh, which is a benefit. You still need to help them, though, by setting the right mood, interacting and talking with them. I like to ask my models how they met, the things they like to do together, or the things they like about each other.

Use Posing Guide for Reference
Before any couple photoshoot separate couple photography poses into categories and make sure you have two or three for each in mind. Some couple pose categories are: standing poses, leaning on a wall, walking, holding hands, kissing, sitting, or lying down.
Start by giving the couple suggestions from these few basic pose ideas. Then, let the couple interpret for themselves what the pose should look like. As they pose in whatever comes naturally to them, I capture the moments. I am an observer after all. When you’re doing portrait photography, it’s important to be ready to adapt. If one pose doesn’t work, change to another. Mix up the posing ideas and try different angles. This applies to shooting any kind of couple photography, from an engagement shoot to a casual photo session. A mixture of different poses will keep your clients from growing uncomfortable, bored, or frustrated.