We completely agree that there is no one in this world who can teach you to be a perfect parent because perfect doesn’t exist. We, humans, tend to improve ourselves with every mistake of others or our own and learn from it.
Being a parent is a big responsibility that needs to be handled with care. The moment when a couple gets to know that they are going to be parents soon, both excitement and curiosity start to pave its path along the journey of their parenthood.
From Day-1, both of them need to be very careful and attentive towards the nutrition and care of the mother. Regular visits to the gynecologist and proper medicinal requirements should be taken care of for a healthy baby.
The real examination takes place when the baby is actually born, those sleepless nights, those small sacrifices are a must to ensure a trouble-free experience for the child.

Here we are to give you some tried and tested tips to learn from them and try to be the best parent ever:
- Realize that no one is perfect, there is always scope for improvement and with the advancement in technologies, you need to keep your learning spirit always up.

- To love is to set free, you can guide them to the right path but should not control their footsteps and let them choose for themselves.
- You need to play multiple roles altogether, by being a parent, a friend, a mentor, a sibling, a counselor and much more to stay tuned with your child.

- Make sure that you trust them in the first place so that they can trust you for all their matters and open up in front of you without hesitation.
- Don’t hamper their private space and privacy, even if they are your children, they have their own life. It’s good to know what they are doing, but it is not advised to interfere every time.
- Teach them with your experiences and set a live example by being their role model.
- Don’t let the differences between you and your spouse affect your bond with the child as it can leave a bad impression on his state of mind.
- Don’t fulfill all their demands and let them earn once they are capable of doing it so that they value your sacrifices and know the value of money and hard work.
And after all, you will do what’s best for your child but make sure you take practical decisions and not emotional ones.
Have a great journey of parenthood!