It’s incredible how important festivals are preceded by the cleaning of houses. Whether it is particularly for Holi or you are generally irritated by cluttered surroundings, you’ll surely benefit from the tips in this blog. First of all, you need to stop stressing about how you are going to manage such a large chunk of clutter. Remember that just thinking about organizing your stuff won’t automate your house. The most important prerequisite is that you actually start de-cluttering.

As per the time you need to designate for the process, pick up one place at a time. These guidelines will suit all areas in addition to the house set-up. Manage your workspace, study area, kitchen, or even a cupboard to enhance self-esteem. Researches suggest that living in a cluttered surrounding can lead to increased stress levels and confusion. This makes de-cluttering even more important for you and your family.

• Know where to begin from

Remember the time when you were running late and couldn’t find your documents? Such and many more frustrating situations form a part of our daily lives. To avoid experiencing this again, you need to sort everything as soon as possible.

You cannot begin working unless you have planned what you need to do. At times, you just decide on a spot and begin cleaning. Instead of doing so, we recommend you prioritize your cleaning timeline. Ranging from documents to clothes, all your stuff will be easily segregated soon.

• Organise as much as possible

Just assembling your stuff and keeping it back in place won’t serve the purpose. You need to keep everything well organized. Planning should be such that you have a clear idea of where you wish to search for a particular category of items. A large variety of cloth organizers are available in the market. Similarly, you can buy them for documents, utensils, footwear, accessories, and much more.

If you don’t wish to invest a lot, create your own organizers using cardboard pieces. Create sections and label them so that there is no confusion later on. You can even keep a track of where your belongings are set by taking photographs once you are done de-cluttering everything.

• Maintain the de-cluttered surroundings

Heard that popular quote that “Reaching your goal is easier than staying there”? The same principle applies here as well. Once your house is organized and you feel it looks like a paradise, hang on.

The real challenge is to avoid cluttering it again. To ensure this, you need to get in the habit of practicing discipline.