Losing weight is very hard and very important as well, we need to maintain our health and to prevent many diseases we need to maintain our weight, there are many diets on youtube but many of them are so impractical and a waste of time, as we know exerscing and dieting play a vital role in losing weight which is quite obvious as well but there are many simple hacks or changes other than dieting and exercising which can help you a little more in your transformation journey and in today’s article ill tell you those tried and tested Hacks to lose weight faster.
let us get started-
DONT DRINK WATER AFTER OR BEFORE MEALS, this will work like magic, also eat slowly – slowly so that food doesn’t stuck in your throat which will also help you to keep a record of what you’re eating and you will not overeat also eating on small plates will help you to eat in small portions and keep a record of what you’re eating. Don’t drink water with a meal, after 2 hours or before 2 hours of the meal is better.

FOLLOW A HIGH PROTEIN DIET, like eggs, spinach, banana, Apples, especially broccoli, broccoli has the most protein it has 8.3 g of protein and 7.6 g of fiber in it. daily protein requirements for men lie at 56 g and for women, the daily protein requirement is 46 g.In the western world, most people get 2 to 3 times more protein than actually need. but in countries like India, we don’t have the knowledge about protein requirement, protein is very essential for muscle building and fat loss.

Sleep 8 hours-
sleeping players a vital role in losing weight as muscles get tired after exercising too much, which means that rest is equally important as exercising as muscles need to rest to work with full power if don’t give enough rest to your body then you may cause yourself an injury. 8 hours of sleep is very important to relax your muscles.

Whey protein or 5 eggs after a workout-
After the workout whey protein is very important and helpful if not possible then eat 5 boiled eggs white only and not yellow i.e yolk. Also, don’t eat egg yolk till you lose your desired weight. As egg yolks have fat and egg white has all the protein needed for the body.

In cooking use coconut oil or olive oil as it is a low-calorie oil. eat protein-rich food in every meal like chicken breast, egg white, panner, tofu, papaya, soybean, etc. follow a proper high protein diet. never eat junk food, exercise daily and be consistent and never give up.