We all know how rigid summers are on our skin. Be it the loo season, humidity, or any time between March and October, your skin needs pampering. In order to ensure minimum chemical usage, we recommend you ditch the commonly used preparations and instead go for natural substances. There are a lot of kitchen and garden ingredients that can prove to be a savior. Read on to know the ways in which your everyday care can keep your skin in the best condition even in this dusty and sweaty season.
- Aloe vera

This is an all-purpose plant. For sunburns, skin rashes, and a host of other problems, aloe gel can prove to be a boon. You can simply extract the gel and apply it directly. In case you are unable to find the time, readymade organic gels are available in the market. Just make sure that the composition is free from preservatives and added chemicals. If you are using natural gel, try to cut fresh aloe and then use it. Apply daily for best results. Your skin will gradually begin to glow.

- Tomatoes

This veggie is sure to be found in every household. For the removal of tan, tomatoes are the most effective. All you need to do is take a freshly cut slice of red tomato and apply it in a circular motion. Make sure you use it every time you return from the outside.

- Ice

The ice regime has been introduced by Korean beauticians. If you wish to have glassy skin, this option is the best for you. In addition to all these benefits, ice can also relieve the irritation caused due to summer heat. Take 2 cubes and wrap them in a paper towel before treating the affected areas.

- Sunscreen cream

If you are a regular user of good quality sunscreen, your skin will surely thank you for this. Make it a strict habit to apply a moderate coat before stepping out in the sun. Like other creams, don’t just focus on your face but use it on all the uncovered areas. Your hands and feet are equally delicate.

- Rosewater

Whether you use packed rosewater or make it on your own, this plant-based skin therapy is a must-try. If you wish to have blossoming skin, use it twice a day. You can even refrigerate the liquid for added relief. For preparing it at home, pluck the petals and heat them in distilled water. Other advanced methods can also be checked.

Not only this, rose water can help you get away with puffy eyes as well.