in all the states of India, there are various customs in wedding, these rituals are started are not just celebrated on the wedding day but from a few days before the wedding to a few days after with utmost joy and happiness. There are many specialties associated with customs, which are followed by unique beliefs. there are many unknown and unknown from world rituals in south India as well, in this article we are going o talk about those unknown rituals,
let us get started-
Nakshatra Porutham ceremony-
Nakshatra Porutham ritual is celebrated as a pre-wedding ritual, this ritual is hugely believed in Tamil Nadu. in Tamil Nadu, the auspicious occasion like wedding beginning with nakshatrapotutham. before marriage, it is very important the qualities like Nadi, Gana, etc. of the groom and bride match. And only after that, they get consent for their marriage from their parents and close ones happily.
Panda kaal mahurtam ceremony-
Panda kaal mahurtam ceremony is also a pre-wedding ritual celebrated in parts of south India as a pre-wedding ritual in this ritual the day before the wedding, the bride and groom’s family pray to god for a peaceful marriage in Hindu religion it is called kul Devi worshiping.

Sumangali prarthanai ceremony-
The next unknown ceremony we have is the sumangali Prarthanai ceremony, this is a pre-wedding ritual celebrated with joy and enthusiasm in several parts of South India but hugely celebrated in Tamil Nadu. in this ceremony happily married women are only invited for this ritual at the bride home, and then the bride has to seek blessings and worship the married women. once the worship is done, they serve them delectable food.

Pallikai Tellichal ceremony-
This pre-wedding ritual is celebrated with love and joy, during this ceremony, 9 different bowls of cereal are mixed with yogurt, which is put into seven different pots decorated with sandalwood. then this is given as food to the fishes, with a belief that the bride and groom, will spend on a happy married life.

Naandi Shrardham ceremony-
In this custom, ancestors are worshiped to seek blessings for them. to perform this puja, brahmins are invited and after its completion, they are offered gifts and sweets.