Almost 8000 Weddings were held in Delhi On Sunday, 21st November 2021, Delhi is generally known for it’s big fat Weddings, but after watching this record breaking wedding number of 8000 we are literally shocked, well yes Delhi break it’s own wedding record every year but this time it is different as this record has came after amid 2nd Covid-19 wave, well Covid-19 hasn’t overed yet but still 8000 weddings have been reported with on going Covid-19. Which literally shows that Delhites can’t comprise with there big fat weddings even it’s Covid-19 or whatever , they are gonna party like there’s no tomorrow.

We wish that it doesn’t bring a 3rd wave in Delhi again as the rules have been loosed up, there is no specific rule followed in Delhi for weddings. This really is very alarming and brings the fear of 3rd wave of Covid-19 ,

where the other side of world in Europe, Europe is facing another wave of Covid-19 which clearly says that the pandemic isn’t over yet which all think is over and we have to be more carefull as everything has been opened and everyone is roaming around with no social distancing. Government should definitely take a stand in this and implement some strict rules in this issue.

On the other hand this wedding season has also bring a positive impact as well, the economy has grown up, the silent markets has gain been crowded, the shopkeepers whom shops were shut during 2 month’s of Covid-19 2nd wave , are havong abnormal profits now.

The decoraters, bakers, catering services business , the tent man ,wedding planners, etc, the wedding business has been boomed with orders.

Well it is difficult to say if this wedding season will be proved as a blessing or curse for Delhites in future. Tell us you perspective in comments down below.