With all of the diets and health trends out there it can be hard to figure out what the best strategy is for living a healthy lifestyle. But discovering how to live a healthy lifestyle is not something that can be achieved by shortcuts or hacks, because those only provide short-term results. You probably more or less know the basics on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Some obvious first steps include eating more greens and superfoods and cutting back on sugars and alcohol. Sleeping, meditating, exercising, and keeping stress levels low are other key ingredients in the recipe of wellness.
Healthy lifestyle to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Moreover, for a healthy lifestyle is it important that you take small and one-step at a time. Also, do not go overboard with it. Besides, this healthy lifestyle will help you in life in a lot of ways. Here are some of the best ways to live a healthier lifestyle without spending a lots of your time and money.

Drink plenty of Fluids
Everyone need to drink at least 1.5 litres of fluid a day! Or more if it’s very hot or they are physically active. Water is the best source, of course, and we can use tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavoured. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk and other drinks, can all be okay from time to time.

Healthy eating
All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different nutrition requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. Eat plenty of fresh, non-processed foods, drink 64 ounces of water every day, and limit caffeine and alcohol intake. For good health, we need more than 40 different nutrients, and no single food can supply them all. It is not about a single meal, it is about a balanced food choice over time that will make a difference.

No Alcohol
Limit drinking to once or twice a week, and try to keep it to a glass or two of wine or one or two of your favorite cocktails at a time. Alcohol has known negative effects on the body and mind. Alcohol abuse has been shown to cause high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, liver disease, and many other health issues.

Take Break
Taking time away from work can have both physical and psychological health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart attacks, depression, and stress. While stress is an unavoidable aspect of our lives, it is important to avoid chronic stress as it can lead to anxiety, fatigue, mental illness, and reduced immunity. Further, a little break from your job can actually increase your productivity when you return.

Physical training
Physical training is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle, people are made to use their bodies, and disuse leads to unhealthy living. Unhealthy living may manifest itself in obesity, weakness, lack of endurance, and overall poor health that may foster disease development. Regular excercise can prevent and reverse age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength, improve balance, flexibility, and endurance, and decrease the risk of falls in the elderly. Regular exercise can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Regular, weight-bearing exercise can also help prevent osteoporosis by building bone strength. It can also help chronic arthritis sufferers improve their capacity to perform daily activities such as driving, climbing stairs, and opening jars.