It is told by our mothers and grandmothers to oil our hair daily. take proper care for them, not to tie them very tightly or it will break, don’t open hairs or it will fall often, don’t comb them often or it will break, and many more, but the question is it true? Or do we just follow it blindly? Of course, there must be a reason but is that reason valid in today’s time? With having so much technology also is it necessary to follow all those rules? Well, we will answer all those myths in today’s article-

Keep your hairs oiled overnight or the whole day-
The first myth is keeping hairs oiled the whole day, or overnight and washing them the next day, well this is a myth, well it is scientifically proven that yes keeping oil in your hairs overnight will help them to nourish well, but if you don’t have time and want to go outside, you can’t go with oily hairs, then one can do oiling in hairs just 15 mins early before bathing regularly and this is more than enough for you to build strength in hairs.

Using too much oil will grow hair fast-
Using too much oil will never help in growing hairs it is a myth, oil nourishes your hairs it gives food to hairs, it gives hairs strength whether use it more or not, using oil in apt. the amount will show results instead of putting bottles and bottles of oil, it will take time to grow hairs, it has neither gone instantly then it will also not grow instantly it will take some time but will show results if used every day before bathing for just 15 mins. Is enough to see good results.

Using rough and tough hands while massaging your hairs will help hair growth-
It’s a myth as the gentle massage is recommended it is seen by some people that they message so hardly and roughly that they break hairs instead of helping them to grow so Using rough and tough hands while massaging your hairs will help hair growth.

Don’t wrap your hairs tightly-
Well this Is not a myth wrapping hairs tightly will cause damage to hairs it may result in breakage of hairs but it is not that, that you can’t tie your hairs in a bun or something, but don’t tie them in that condition that it will cause something like that, so yes wrapping hairs tightly will cause damage, oiling makes your hairs soft and may create more damage when you tie hairs tightly in oil as well, but either wise you shouldn’t tie hairs tightly.