Mental health is something we have never understood in the right manner. Talking about mental health need not mean to talk about a person who is not mentally fit or is abnormal. It has various dimensions:
- Depression
- Positive affect
- Life satisfaction
- Anxiety

We have to consider them all when we talk about mental health. It is concerned with the mental and psychological well being of an individual. According to the statistics of WHO(World Health Organization):
“Around 1 in 5 of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental disorder”.
“Almost 800 000 people die by suicide every year; 1 person dies from suicide every 40 seconds. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in individuals aged 15-29 years”.
“The global economy loses about US$ 1 trillion per year in productivity due to depression and anxiety”.
How can we ignore this serious issue as if it doesn’t matter and of no importance? No, we cannot. We don’t even know the person sitting next to us is going through which circumstances if we don’t talk. We can at least save the lives of people near us if we are aware of what they are going through. Maybe we can prevent some mishap just with little awareness and quick actions.

In this crisis where we are affected badly with the COVID-19 which is a global pandemic. It is important to cope with various kinds of challenges coming ahead. They include financial stress, emotional breakdown, social happenings and mental health. People are suffering from depression during this lockdown because they don’t find someone to talk to.
We are sharing some of the ways and tips using which you can take good care of your mental health. This will also help you to take care of others around you as well.
Mental Health Care Tips:
- Meditation: It can really bring your mind to a peaceful state. Try it anytime anywhere!
- Talk: Let your feelings out in front of someone, be it your parents, friends, other family members, or any stranger. But don’t keep it in yourself, you would feel lighter after your confessions.
- Don’t judge: If someone gathers the courage to come and talk to you, please don’t judge. Just listen and only listen.
- Exercising: It keeps your body active and you will feel energetic and refreshed. This will also increase the production of good hormones resulting in better mental balance.
- Ask it if you need it: Don’t hesitate to seek help. You are a human, not a perfect being, accept yourself with all the imperfections. And take a step forward to ask for help if you need it.
- Diet: Eat healthily, you have the privilege to quit your bad eating habits in this lockdown period. Feed your body with good nutrition so that it keeps you healthy and joyful.
- Be kind: Even though you had a bad day, you don’t need to pour your frustration on someone else. Be kind to everyone you meet and greet them with a genuine smile.
- Live your passion: You have got time, learn something you always wanted to do. If you are good at something, cooking, drawing, dancing, just do it. You will feel good.
- Don’t label a situation as good or bad. Once you do that, you limit the scope of the situation and blindfold yourself to the other side.
We hope you have a good time with your family and friends. Together we can come out of this crisis with a smile and head high!