Native to India, mangoes were first cultivated in the Northeast India, Bangladesh and Myanmar about 25-30 million years ago. Also called the king of fruits, mangoes have enjoyed their own prized place in the history of India and its relationship with the world. It is one of the very few fruits that has found a coveted place in Hindu religious scriptures. Food Historian KT Achaya in his book, ‘A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food’ writes, “From it’s very first mention as ‘amra’ in the Brahadarnayaka Upanishad (c.1000 BC) and in the slightly later Shatapatha Brahmana, the virtues of mango fruit have been extolled for three thousand years.” It is said that mangoes were also very dear to Lord Buddha. He used to meditate in the tranquillity of lush mango groves. Of the most popular legends and yore, the Mughal fixation with mangoes wins hands down.
Mangoes were used as tenderisers in the making of the delectable Mughlai kebabs. Mango grafting too was issued only by royal patronage until Emperor Shah Jahan lifted limitations, KT Achaya writes in his book ‘A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food’. During the 16th century, the sea-faring Portuguese were so lured with the mangoes in Kerala, that they also took the fruit and its seeds and introduced it to Africa.

In addition to being sumptuous, pulpy and amazing, mangoes pack a host of health benefits too!
Helps in fighting cancer
Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid and methyl gallate. All these properties protect our body against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and leukaemia.

Gives Skin a Healthy Glow
Eating mango is a great way to improve your skin from the inside out. Mangoes are rich in vitamin C, which plays a major role in skin health and may even help reduce the signs of aging.

Improves Your Immune System
Along with its high vitamin C and antioxidant content, a single one-cup serving of mango also has about 10% of our daily dose of vitamin A, another must-have to support a healthy immune system.

Promotes eye health
Including mangoes in the diet may also help promote your eye health. Mangoes are rich in beta-carotene that helps in the production of Vitamin A. The powerful antioxidant helps improve vision, boosts overall eye health and even prevents age-related macular degeneration or loss of vision.

Aids Weight Loss
Mangoes when eaten in moderation could also help in weight loss. The phytochemicals in the mango skin act as natural fat busters. The mango flesh is filled with dietary fibers. Fibers induce a feeling of satiety. On eating high-fibre fruits or veggies you feel full for a longer time, which prevents you from tucking in other high fattening snacks.