Having a great body language is a serious weapon in these days to make yourself different from another’s. But knowing the correct body language is very tough as you don’t know how you’re looking to someone else as you can’t look yourself while you’re talking to someone. Sometimes we are not aware or even aware but don’t know what to do and we become awkward at those moments. Sometimes we often feel unconfident while talking to somebody and you feel you’re not influential enough and this decreases your moral then I have some interesting tips for you that will not only encourage you but give you a right direction towards body language-
Make eye contact-
Research has shown that people who make eye contact while talking to anybody are more influential than who don’t. Make eye contact another time when you talk to somebody, who don’t have stare people it shouldn’t look like you’re staring them take frequent intervals but don’t take more than you need. Make frequent eye contacts don’t talk while looking down on the ground.

Always look up and keep your head up-
Next up we have is always look up while talking don’t make a conversion awkward by looking here and there always look up. Don’t be a status while talking respond frequently in a conversion don’t be talkative but don’t be silent as well, encourage yourself by saying you can do it! You will do it! Why won’t you do it!

Open posture-
Have an open posture don’t stand awkwardly, stand tall and straight, have an open posture don’t rigid yourself look confident don’t cross your hands let them be straight downwards and not straight like stick like let them flow. Use hand gestures while talking speak confidently make your first impression the best not last.
And lastly smile while talking, smiling makes people think that you’re listening to them carefully, people like who listens them, but don’t be a statue be a good listener as well as a speaker don’t talk rubbish speak words of value. Your words should provide a value to other listener, listen carefully to them and then provide a good solution to them so that it will make a good impression on them and as well they will remember you if that idea worked.

These are my golden tips for all of weirdo friends who feel hesitation while talking and overthink on small-small things so now don’t over think. just be confident. And remember all that matters is your confidence and don’t take anything to your mind.