This pandemic has made us go nuts, we can’t travel, we can’t go outside, we can’t chill, well all miss travelling to mountains and beaches, exploring new Cusuines, new culture’s and many more. Travelling in this pandemic has been limited to doctors and hospitals,well indeed that period demanded that and we all have to follow all the rules suggested by govt. For our family and for others as well. While this pandemic has also given us this break too. So, we should make it worthwhile and relax for this moment and escape from this chaos for sometime.And raise our inner traveler.Well, it’s easy for some of us to travel like solo travelers, travelling with friends, travelling with family, but couples having new born baby or small kids which are still can’t be easy to travel with, as this pandemic hasn’t ended yet, the cases are decreased But not yet ended.But still, children have to go out and see the world,they have play in fresh like we used to do in our childhood.We used to travel every Sunday with our parents. This as important as for our kids, they cant play outside , they cant go to school. This may impact there inner growth as well as physical growth also. It is more important for them to travel. This is the responsibility of parents to take care of there children to get them through this, for there present aswell as future. Travelling is the best medium to grow within, so it is very important that you make your kids travel with you. I know kids are very to difficult to travel with as they can’t be told to not to touch everything theyll be not comfortable in wearing mask as well and making them santize there hands is a another hectic thing. But don’t you worry I am here to solve your problems and help you give some master tips so that you can travel anywhere with your kids and keep them save as well-
Cartoon mask and sanitzer
Don’t make them wear dull colored mask, make them wear color full and theirs favorite cartoon character. In fact make them choose there mask, so that it will give them a reason and they’ll like it too. And for the sanitizer don’t give them regular sanitizer , Kids sanitizer should have the following- a good fragrance, this will give them reason to apply it again and again, use a non harsh chemical based sanitizer , as infantal skin is very sensitive and using sanitizer again and again on their skin can harm there skin and it can cause many skin infections and skin problems. Use a Barbie sanitizer for a girl kid and for a boy you can use spiderman scompanies sanitizer, which means the label of the sanitizer should be of theirs favorite cartoon or non cartoon character. You may also costmize the bottle label woh thier favorite character.

Carry Vitamin C rich food for munching
Don’t buy them chips and chocolate for munching during the travel, or have something from the Dhabas and restaurants in the way. Instead carry citrus fruits like orange, strawberry, papaya,etc.You can make a multigrain sandwich with little cheese in it, and you can even ask your kids to make the sandwiches with you, this will give them a vibe of travel and it’s kinda fun activity for them as well.

Amla candy and Vitamin C candy
You can give them amla candy or vitamin c candies there are plenty of these type of candies in the market. It’s a great option for sweet candies it will not only decrease the immunity but also spoil theirs teeth as well as you can’t have a record of how many candies they had and after the trip you may face many tooth aches.

Avoid going in crowd
Its tottaly the responsibility of parents to take care of their kids surroundings, one should always keep them away from too much crowd. As it is impossible to surround them with ultimate social distancing but at least you can try to avoid places having too much crowd and keep your kids away from people having no mask. And avoid going to those places even if the place is the spotlight of the travel. Because everything with family is a spotlight.

So if you try to follow all these 4 steps your travel can be a lot easier and you would enjoy the time God has given you.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to loose sight of the shore