Hairs are a very important part of our looks our hairs should always look shiny and pretty but in this pollution, our hairs have become frizzy and dull which spoils the whole look and as the lockdown is over, we all are getting to outdoors and we all need a glam look to show off in front of our friends but sometimes we don’t get enough time to take care for our hairs to help you from this problem I have got a unique solution for this-
Use coconut oil for 15 mins daily-

As we all are busy in our daily life’s we don’t have time to keep our hairs oily all day, and it will also not look good if we go outside with oily hairs but oiling is also important what you can do to solve this problem Is that, that use coconut oil prior 15 minutes to bathing daily it will make a shield around yours and protect them with dust and pollution but this will only help when you use it daily.
Mask up with muffler-
If you go by Scotty use a muffler or scarf and mask around your hair so that it doesn’t get the heat of the sun and also to keep pollution away from your hairs, use a cotton scarf otherwise warm scarf may create sweat in the scalp which can lead to lice and dandruff, infection, etc,

Onion oil on weekends-
On weekends instead of parting give spare some time for yourself and take some time to pamper yourself, take onion juice in a bowl and take 1 tsp of coconut oil in it as well or you take virgin olive oil is also very good for hairs. And mix them both and apply for a whole day it may cause some tears but it’s normal you can wrap your hair with a towel and that may lessen the irritation of onion and wash off by the end of the day or the next day and see the results your self all the fizziness will fly away.

Use charcoal-based shampoo and conditioner-
Charcoal is scientifically proven to keep your hair protected from direct sun and pollution it protects like a shield, charcoal is now coming in a variety of shampoos and conditioners also, charcoal will help the hairs to build strength within. use it daily to see noticeable differences in 3 weeks.