We all want a lavish and well-furnished house and some of us also accomplish this goal and get ourselves a beautiful home that we can call ours. In the initial days, we keep it very clean and tidy and clean every single thing whether it is chandeliers, furniture, fans, A/C, Almirah, also we keep our clothes in an organized manner, all the showpieces, photo frames are set up. We decorate our dining table according to our preference, we keep eyes on every glass made material especially crockery is cleaned, new flower Vas, wall hanging, dream catcher soft toys, Almirah, the organizer is newly purchased and cleaned very often till are kept very nicely till few weeks. But after times we tend to forget to clean it or we get busy in our daily routine life, and the stuff gets dirty and dirty by the dust in the air which needs to clean every week.
An uncleaned house is a house of diseases also it is said that the Laxmi goddess resides in cleaned house as goddess Laxmi is believed to be the goddess of wealth and prosperity. One should keep their house clean and spare some time to clean and keep it tidy to welcome goddess Laxmi as well. A clean house generated positivity, in an uncleaned house one cannot be positive enough, one will feel good after the house is cleaned. Everything needs maintenance, either it is big or small every single thing needs repair and maintenance. What is the use of spending thousands and lakhs on chandeliers and other stuff if you can’t maintain and clean it, it is of no use? Right! So, it’s better to not have it or if you wish to have it, it’s your responsibility to clean it as well. So as of now, we have acknowledged the need for cleanliness in our home,
let us highlight some of its simplest and small tricks that can help you in maintaining and organizing your big house Organising is the first step to maintain your home, you have to organize your home at least twice in two weeks as your home can get upside down in a week if you don’t organize it. Organizing doesn’t only mean putting things in their proper place but also it means that you keep it in a proper manner and as well as you have to throw things which aren’t in use in a long time.

I’m going to tell you about a hack which is very fun and useful you can do all along your weekends. So, what you have to do is take 4 buckets, Stick papers on them with different names. like the donating box for the stuff, you want to donate. The next bucket would be a Trash bucket in which you would throw stuff you want to which are not in use for more than 2 months, as if it’s not used in 2 months it will be not used in future as well throw things even if you have immense attachment towards them. Similarly, make another bucket naming repairing bucket for repairing stuff, and another one is recycling stuff which you would recycle and reuse.

vacuum your house at least 2-3 times a week if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner take a stick and wrap a sock on its end and then you can use it as a duster on long walls as well or if you don’t have the stick, you can wrap a sock on your hand and then clean things. Clean chandeliers, mirrors, and glass stuff at least once or twice in 3 weeks and clean it with a newspaper. In this way, you can keep your house clean and beautiful.