In todays era wearing hills on every occasion has become necessary whether it is a party, or office meeting one has to look good and tall and by wearing heels your Hight gets elevated and you look gorgeous, but the joy of wearing all this is when our feet’s are beautiful and not rough and cracked from ankle, In order to achieve it we spent loads and loads money in salon but have we think about doing it in our home? no right!! as girls we have so much work to do on our skin and body and rest time we always try to multitask and all our money get spend in salons but why to waste money when you can save it!! Yes its true you can repair your ankles or if not repair, maintain your feet health one can do simple remedies at home on weekends to look fab and wear those gorgeous heels everyday.
Here are my secret home remedies which will be helpfull for cracked ankles to heal and repair your feet tissues-
Always wear sleepers at home-
Always wear sleepers at home to protect your ankles from dirt and infection don’t roam barefooted as many pathogens and bacteria is present on the ground. if your cracks are opened than it will create bacteria inside if dirt goes in. By oiling it regularly with any oil jojoba oil preferred or Vaseline can also work.

Tip to heal your cracks-
Here’s a tip to heal your cracks instantly , take 2 tsp mustard oil and pure it in a steel bowl or any choka pan, then add crushed white candle in it , don’t add any colored candle add only white colored candle as colored candle wont effect if used with mustard oil as colored candle contains many harmful chemical colors which are not suited for human skin so use only white candle and after crushing white candle put it with mustard oil in a pan and lit the gas and wait till candle melts with oil and remember to plug out the candle thread in it. when you realize it has now melted then wait for 10 seconds and after that put melted candle in another air tight container. after sleeping, gently massage your feet’s with the solution of candle and oil and one can see noticeable difference in 2-3 weeks if used regularly.

Lime Juice-
to clean your feets from bacterial infections from dirt you need lemon juice as lemon conatins cititc acid which will kill all girms from your feets and make them clean and beutifull so heres my tip first of all clean your feet’s and then squeeze a lemon in a bowl and then add Vaseline in that bowl and them mix it well and then apply it on your feets and after then use banana peel to scrubb and maasage this solution on your cracks this will give your skin neded potasium , scrub for 5-10 mintues and after that remove all with warm water.wear cotton socks if you feel your cracks are very much damaged, so it will keep it soft for a long time as well.