Eyes are a main body part of our body, as it is so important we have to give it proper care as well. We usually don’t care about our eyes and don’t take precautions but we have to, unless you do it, no one will do it for you. So now that you know the importance of taking care of your eyes let me tell you how you can take proper care of your eyes. In today’s article we will tell you How to have a better eye sight and how to take care of your eyes properly, if you’re suffering from weak eyes or any eye problem than you must read this article till last, without any delay let’s get started-

If you want to remove those spectacles from your eyes you have to make effort, firstly wash your eyes daily atleast 3 times, washing your eyes is very important, if any dirt is there, it will get washed off. If you laze then the dirt will stick there and can get you a eye infection.

Eat nutritional food to increase your sight, foods like carrots helps a lot in getting a clear sight.

Walk on green grass bare footed in morning in a park, it will work as acupuncture, and help you to get a better sight. Do this every morning , you will get better health and become stress free in a park as well.

Start your day with yoga, focus on a object like thumb in front of your eyes, do yoga asana which increases your sight.

Use eye rose water to clean your eyes.

and don’t rub your eyes often , keep your eyes away from dirt and Germs, don’t use dirty hands on your eyes, use a cold spoon upside down to reduce eye Puffiness.

Reduce your screen time, to avoid eye strain.
One should wear thier glassess all the time unless the eye number can increase.

People often call eyes the windows to the soul