Staying indoors for more than a year is quite boring, right? In case you are planning to go on vacation this summer and are unclear about the safety measure and many other things, we got you covered! From eligibility to tips and tricks, you will get to know all that is essential before you leave your home town. This collection is specially crafted for those who are leaving for the first time ever since lockdown hit our lives last year. Don’t stress out, take extra care and nothing can stop you from having an adventurous tour!
Social distancing is the most important.

If you wish to return back happily and stay away from infectious diseases, follow all the guidelines. Even if you are with your family members or friends, remind them to refrain from sitting or walking too close. No one would like to bring health issues in addition to vacation memories so keep a check on all that you are required to do and all that you are not supposed to do.

For a pleasant and carefree experience, get yourself vaccinated as soon as possible. Depending on your residence, the vaccination program would be progressing according to stages. If you are eligible, get a shot before leaving.
For fashionistas, headcovers and masks can help you out. But matching protective gear so that you do not feel the urge to put off your mask while posing for pictures. Remember that nothing is more important than your health, and in the longer run, your overall family.

Keep a good supply of tight-fitting masks ready as you might misplace them in the midst of traveling. Though everyone has a right to travel, we recommend the older generation to avoid it for some time. In addition to being highly susceptible, they are more prone to get seasonal infections as well. If the vaccination process is complete, there is no hassle at all!
In India particularly, you should avoid visiting the hotspots.

Firstly, you will not be allowed. In case you live in a hotspot, do not travel to other areas without getting tested. Stay safe and contented wherever you presently are.

Other tips include general instructions like regularly washing your hands. Do carry a bottle of sanitizer. If you are taking kids along with you, extra precautions need to be taken.

Do not choose beaches as your destination. You never know how contaminated the water might be! Choose a secluded place having low population.

If you adhere to all these tips, your vacation will be a wonderful experience for sure!