Hypertension is a serious disease,Genreally it happens in Old Age, the main cause of hypertension is stress and over angery nature. Hypertension is also know as high blood pressure is a serious disease which can even cause stroke and heart attack and may be lead to death. There are many patients of hypertension in India. Hypertension is very bad for your overall health it may be caused by lack of exercise or lack of physical activity, but it is curable as well . You have to take medicines till your lifetime for that. But if you take proper care of yourself. You can cure hypertension in less than 6 months at home without having any medicine. By using following home remedies on regular basis one can cure their hypertension even if it’s very 10 years old, here are some remedies and cautions hypertension patients should keep in mind to cure themselves without medicine-

Soaked walnuts-
Hypertension can be a cause of high Kelostrol high Kelostrol can be treated by having walnuts. Walnuts calms your mind and sharpens it, but you cant have walnuts normally. You have to soak walnuts in water in a bowl overnight and have it in morning empty stomach. Don’tconsume more than 2 walnuts. It will lower down your Kelostrol levels in no time. And will make your mind active and aware.

Water is very important if you are suffering from hypertension, having 10-12 glasses of water daily is necessary for patients having high blood pressure.keep yourself hydrated , have enough water. You would see noticeable difference in 2-3 weeks.

Loose those extra pounds from your body and walk atleast 60 minutes in park or playground if you can’t exercise.Try little yoga pose in early morning. Try small in beginning and then keep increasing it but don’t give up as it’s very difficult in beginning to even sit. But remember that you have to do it for your own good. Little exercise or walk will show a lot of difference in maintaining high blood pressure.

Patients having high blood pressure levels should consume more potassium.Banana is a rich source of potassium, potassium will lower down your High blood pressure levels. Have atleast one banana each day till your blood pressure levels get normal.

Avoid oily and junk goods
Stay away from junk food if you are having continuous high levels of hypertension. Oily food may increase your Kelostrol and lead to stroke and heart attack. Instead have fresh fruits and green vegetables which are rich in fibre for munching. Control your Kelostrol and stress blood pressure levels will get automatically controlled.