Onions belong to the genus Allium and are closely related to garlic, shallots, and leeks. Most people consume roughly 20 pounds of this pungent vegetable per year, eating them raw, cooked, pickled, or powdered. There are many varieties of onions to choose from, including yellow, red, white, purple, Spanish, and Vidalia onions.
Chopping Onions can be a teary process thanks to its sulphuric, alliinase properties but this amazing vegetable is loaded with unparalleled amounts of nutrition. Powered with vitamin C, B6, manganese, potassium, Phytonutrients, and a wallop of antioxidants including flavonoids – quercetin and Sulphuric compound allicin, you name it, Onion has it!
Make it a part of your daily diet for a wide spectrum of health benefits including weight loss, lowering the risk of cancer and what’s more? Onions also aid in maintaining healthy and glowing skin.

Protects Against Cancer
Researchers have proven the benefits of this wonder bulb in protecting cancer due to the rich antioxidant profile. As per the recent research published in the Journal of American Clinical Nutrition, there is a strong link between the increased usage of this veggie and lowering risk of several cancers. Onions activate pathways that promote the cancers cell to undergo apoptosis.

Improves the Bone Health
Onions are super-rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant flavonoids – quercetin that guards the bone against free radical damage. It also prevents the bone from breaking down (osteoclast). The presence of Sulphur compounds allicin in onions works to strengthen the collagen in the bone. Women who included more onions in their regimen had better bone density and reduced risk of hip fracture.

Promotes Gut Health
The abundance of inulin – a fibre in onion functions as a prebiotic, that nourishes the gut microbes and promotes the growth of good bacteria and improve the gut health. Inulin in onions also works well in preventing constipation, regulating the blood sugar, enhancing the nutrient absorption, and improving the density of bones.

Lowers Cholesterol
The presence of alliinase compound in onions helps in lowering cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart diseases. Alliinase is released when onions are sliced and this what makes you cry when you are cutting the vegetable. Also, the richness of plant sterols quercetin and saponins in onions all of which works to lower the cholesterol and improve the heart health.

Enhance Skin Glow
The chock full of nutrients in onions that include vitamin C, B6, and allicin the Sulphur compound works as an amazing component in enhancing skin health and beauty. It is a powerful antiseptic that shields the skin and treats acne.

Remedies Hypertension
Onion is imbued with a valuable antioxidant known as quercetin, which displays fantastic merits for improving heart functions. Eating a small portion of onions daily as part of a salad, dal or sambar supplies tremendous anti-inflammatory properties to ensure the smooth passage of food particles via blood vessels, preventing their clogging with fatty substances and cholesterol. The instance of atherosclerosis is thus averted and high blood pressure or hypertension is resolved.

Manages Diabetes
The myriad sulphur compounds found in onions work wonders in effectively controlling sudden spikes in blood sugar in cases of prediabetes and diabetes. Moreover, onions house vast reserves of dietary fibers, that aid in unimpeded digestion of food, helping to satiate appetite, curb untimely cravings and follow a healthy meal plan to alleviate diabetes symptoms. The antioxidants in onions influence the normal operations of the pancreas, regulating insulin synthesis and keeping blood glucose levels in check.

Rectifies Insomnia
Onions portray superb wellness incentives in mending sleep disorders of insomnia and promoting uninterrupted rest at night. This strong-smelling root vegetable that is ubiquitous in kitchens and cuisines across the world, comprises ample amounts of L-tryptophan, an amino acid that holds powerful sedative traits, which induce deep sleep. Additionally, onions exhibit useful calming qualities, which help to instantly relieve stress, tension from the mind and promote healthy sleeping patterns.