Lemon is citric fruit, as it contains citric acid which is very good for our health, it is used in salads, chats, Bhel and many more, lemon is used for different purposes but mainly it is used for good health, as it helps in cleaning toxins from the body and helps to clean the stomach properly and helps in weight reduction as well, helps in clearing throat, helps in cold and cough if drinken hot, in summers one can drink cold lemonade to feel the coolness if you have to go to a hangover than also lemon helps, just lick a lemon slice and you’ll feel better, below is the detail explanation how lemon helps in getting health benefits-
Weight management-
Lemons help to clear your stomach and cleans all toxins in the body, one must drink one glass of hot lemon water daily for reducing weight, it is very helpful in reducing weight, but one must take it regularly empty stomach to see noticeable differences in wieght.One can loose many kgs in 15 days just by drinking lemon water and avoiding junk food will be cherry on the cake.One can naturally burn fat by lemon.

Helps in cold & cough-
Drinking Hot lemon water in cold & cough will give you relief in throat and make you feel better , it cuts cough and relaxes lungs in normal cold and cough, it is a very good natural remedy for cold and cough.

Lemoande in summers-
Having Lemoande in summers will cool down your body and make you feel eneregetic, drink twice a day to feel even more better, you should also have sweetened lemonade as sugar changes mood and makes you feel energetic.lemonade is an energy source in summers, one must have it.
Acidity cutter-
As mentioned above lemon helps in digestion process , which makes it a acidity cutter as well, as I told above it remove toxins and helps in digesting food rapidly , it is a great acidity cutter,if you have eaten junk food or overrated have some hot lemon juice water and it will reduce the acidity levels in stomach.