Celebrated on the very next day of Diwali, Govardhan Puja holds immense importance in the Hindu culture. Etymologically, Gou i.e. is Go in Govardhan means cow and Vardhan means prosperity. It is believed that this festival brings peace and prosperity to our lives. Govardhan Puja is celebrated to offer gratitude to Lord Krishna for being the savior. This day commemorates the incident in the Bhagawat Gita when Bhagwan Shri Krishna lifted the Govardhan Hill to provide the villagers of Vrindavan shelter from heavy rains.

People prepare Annakoot, a meal that consists of 56 dishes to offer respect and devotion to Lord Krishna. A hillock of grains is prepared during the puja, which signifies the Govardhan hill.

Significance of Govardhan Puja in Hindu culture
It was not always that people worshiped cows on this day, according to Bhagwat Gita, people of Vridawan celebrated this day to worship Lord Indra- the lord of rains. Lord Krishna, being one of the residents of the same village, did not approve of it.

He asked the villagers to worship Govardhan Hill. According to him, it is the hill that provided fodder to the cows and provides us ground for animals to graze. This displeased Lord Indra and he caused heavy rains in Vrindavan.

All this scared the people of Vridawan and they asked Lord Krishna to save them. To ensure the safety of his people lord Krishna prayed to mount Govardhan, offered puja, and lifted it with his little finger. People of the village along with their cattle took shelter under the mountain. And thus, saved themselves from the calamity. It is to remember this day, Govardhan Puja is celebrated in the country.

Govardhan Puja celebrations
Govardhan Puja is celebrated with lots of enthusiasm and excitement in the country. People in many parts of our country create heaps of grains to represent mount Govardhan.

In some parts of India is it also created with the help of cow dung. The curated mountain is then worshipped by moving around in circles.

In the rural parts of India, Govardhan Puja is celebrated by worshipping cattle. People decorate their cattle by putting garlands around their necks and applying henna on them. After decorating their cattle they worship them in the hope of better corps.

Worshiping cow on this day is supposed to please Lord Krishna. India is so rich in its culture that it is needless to say that is a country of diverse and unique traditions.