Diwali is the festival of lights, this day is Believed to very auspicious as on this day Lord rama returned to ayodhya after 14 years of vanvas and also in the joy of winning over evil ravana. This day is celebrated from many years from our grand grand parents to our parents, this is almost 1000 years old ritual to celebrate diwali , we lit butter lamps and candles and fairy lights outside our home and clean our home as well, as it is believed that goddesses laxmi will shower her blessings on those who keep their clean and neat and prayes from their heart. Goddess laxmi is believed to be the goddess of wealth and prosperity. In today’s era everything has became materialistic people don’t care about other feelings, they don’t believe in prayer and worshiping but if one worships goddess laxmi from their heart and soul goddess will definitely take all pain from their worshippers life. Diwali should be celebrated with outmost joy and happiness with family. I’ll tell you 8 Do’s and dont’s of diwali 2021 one must know.
Let us get started-
Must Do’s-
1. Charity-
We all think all about ourselves on Diwali, we buy gifts for us and our near and dear ones but we never think of others. This Diwali give gifts to your security guard, Gardner , maid or any servants in your home or outside your home, or give charity in charitable trust’s. Spend a day at some orphan spend time with orphan kids , gift them with laddos and soft drinks, party with them, enjoy with them, take your kids with you and teach them sharing and caring.

2.Host a Old age Diwali party-
Throw a Diwali party for old age people,old age people has very less time to enjoy thier life, every moment of thier life should be special and you must make it more special this year, organize a special diwali party for old age people, you can visit any old age home as well, old people need the most attention of yours, use it and make thier life more worthy, go with your friends and family.

3.Buy only Made in India lights-
Buy from local shops and only made in india lights, don’t buy Chinese lights as they aren’t durable , spend your money on worthy things and not on Chinese lights and promote make India lights and not chinese lights that fuses off in a day. Buy and promote made in India this Diwali. This is a must-must do for this Diwali to increase our economy this the only time.

4.Buy sweets only from a good place or make it at home-
These times everything is coming in adultureted form, that’s is why we recommend you to buy your festive sweets only from a good place either make sweets on your own at home, making sweets at home is a very good activity for you and your kids as it will give a vibe of festivity, and that is festivals are all about i.e having fun with family.

5.Subcategories your festive budget-
Do not spend blindly in festivals, as we saw discount on things in Diwali we think to buy all we can, but we have to set a budget as we can regret later after spending more than needed..right? But don’t worry It happens with all of us, just make a plan before spending. The budget for gifts , the budget for own shopping, budget for kids shopping, budget for bonus to servants and all the other expenses you have, take a pen and notebook and write down all those things and then categories them as said above then subcategories the price with it. Do try this and tell us in comments if this tip helped you.

Now lets talk about the dont’s-
6.Don’t Overeat Sweets(Portion-Control)-
Sweets is eaten by us all in Diwali, but having sweets sometime can bring diseases like sugar , high blood pressure, decrease heart health. But we all feel indulging in sweets in festive season but having sweets may bring many diseases so what we can do is, is try portion control now what is portion control portion control is a method of eating less but you can still fulfill your cravings. Portion control is a method in which you take less food in your plate and it’s just like tasting a thing if you feel indulging in sweet don’t have a box of sweets try to eat it only one or two sweet maximum but don’t have a full box of Sweets at one time also what you can do is take a small plate and have your meals in a small plate a small plate can give you a assumption that you have eaten more then you think it is a psychology kal think which will send your brain the message that you have eaten a lot but still you haven’t try this method when ever you eat junk food for sweets.

7.Don’t ignore covid prescribed norms by govt. –
As this year we also the the disastrous scene of pandemic we cannot forget the impact coronavirus had impacted on our life it becomes more important in festive season as in festive season many people came in groups in market and Mall so we should maintain social distancing to keep our family safe and other safe as well and always wear a mask and carry your own sanitizer with yourself and maintain proper social distancing and getting yourself vaccine is very important.

8.Don’t disturb animals-
As we are also scared of many things as humans similarly animals are also afraid of many things like crackers but some of stupid people doesn’t understand that and play with innocent stray dogs and cats there are many reports that children’s put crackers inside the mouth of dogs and then burn them I don’t know what kind of mentality they have, what kind of family they have , we should always protest against this stupid people and we must protect our animals and especially street animals as they are very afraid of Diwali crackers and should not be treated as they are . we should all respect our surroundings.