Dhanteras is coming on this year on Tuesday, 2 November 2021. It is made with utmost joy and enthusiasm in Hindus, it is made prior 3 days to Diwali the festival of lights. Dhan means money and teras means the 13th day, as It is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu calendar month of Ashvin. This day is believed to be lucky to buy precious metals like gold, silver, bronze, or anything like that. people buy precious metals in huge crowds in markets as it is believed that goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity will reside in their home and bless them with wealth and prosperity, one can buy anything according to their choice and budget, even a set of spoons or bowls of bronze are believed to be lucky on Dhanteras. People come in huge crowds to buy precious metals in hope that goddess Laxmi will shower their homes with money and prosperity, their work will get better. Goddess Laxmi is worshiped and offered many sweets and money, precious metals, gold coins, and things like that on Dhanteras.

People also buy wooden broom as it is a symbol of positivity and money as well, it symbolizes that just like goddess Laxmi bring positivity and prosperity in our lives just like broom cleans all the negativity and leaves a positive atmosphere and also cleanliness is liked by goddess Laxmi, so it is believed that one must keep their home clean to get blessings from goddess Laxmi. People worship precious metals and brooms they got from the market with goddess Laxmi, the metals and the broom should be new and have to be bought on Dhanteras, this is also called Jhadu puja, in which Jhadu means wooden Broom and puja means to worship, so people worship Jhadhu and precious metals and clean their house on this day to attract goddess Laxmi. People also light their houses with candles and diyas and make rangoli in front of their gates to attract goddess Laxmi even more as this day is celebrated as a festival all over India.