Falling on 16 November this year, Bhai dooj has its own significance in the life of a brother and sister. Bhai dooj is celebrated to rejoice the love shared between a sister and a brother. Sisters prepare the sacred thali for brothers, perform the tilak ceremony, and wish for brother’s good health and wealth. As a part of the celebration, brothers bring gifts for sister and promise to keep her safe. Bhai dooj is known by different names in different parts of the country. Bhai dooj is also known as Bhai tikka, Bhai phonta, Bhau beej, and Yam diwitya.

Origin of Bhai dooj
There are many legends related to the origin of Bhai dooj. Let’s dig a dipper into them…
The legend of Lord Krishna
According to Hindu mythology, after killing the evil demon Narkasura, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra. She gave a very warm welcome to her brother. Prepared sweets for him, performed sacred aarti of Lord Krishna, and put tilak on his forehead. This incident is believed to be the origin of Bhai dooj in some parts of the country.

The legend of Yamraj- God of death
It is believed that on this day Yamraj-God of death visited his sister. She welcomed him with love and affection. Performed the tilak ceremony and prepared a big meal for her brother. Yamraj was very touched by this act so he decided that he will not harm any brother whose sister performs these ceremonies on the day of Bhai dooj.

The legend of Lord Mahavir
Another well-known legend related to the origin of Bhai dooj says that King Nandivardhan, brother of Lord Mahavir, was missing his brother after Lord Mahavir attained Nirvana. Saddened with the absence of Lord Mahavir, Nandivardhan visited his sister Sudarshana, who then comforted him and put him at ease. In the Jain culture, this incident is believed to be the origin of the festival.

Bhai Dooj gifting ideas
Although no gift can ever suffice the love shared between a brother and a sister, it is possible to make them feel special on Bhai dooj by finding a perfect gift for them.

Gifts for sisters
Brothers can order traditional dresses for sisters. Chocolates and sweets also go a long way. Elegant Jewellery pieces for sisters is also a very good gifting option that brothers have available.

Gifts for brothers
Sisters can buy shirts or jackets for brothers. Preparing his favorite meal on Bhai dooj all by yourself can be heart touching for brothers. Sisters can also buy aesthetic gifts like cuff links, lapel pins, and grooming kits.
Bhai dooj is all about brothers and sisters don’t forget to make them feel special.