We all know the importance of fruits in our daily life. That fruits keep us hydrated , it purifies our blood, it keep us glowing, it keep us healthy and many more. But do you know papaya in all the of fruits is the most beneficial. Papayas even skin or peel also helps in your acne reduction. Papaya is used to eat, papaya is used as a vegetable in many parts of India.Papaya seeds are also eaten to cure many diseases in many parts of rural areas of India. Papaya’s every single thing will benefit for you,and help your tissues heal within. Papaya also helps in fast recovery and heals wounds very fastly. It is very light as well as very filling. Papaya is a very good option for dieting. It helps in detoxification of overall body. Let us see how you can use papaya in your daily like

Papaya paste for acne-
Papaya is known for it’s tissue repairing property , it helps in Recovering wounds very fastly. You can eat as well make a scrub and use it atleast 2-3 times a week to see a noticeable difference. To make a Papaya scrub make half cup papaya puri and add little bit turmeric in it as turmeric has antiseptic properties it will also help in acne reduction . So you can add Turmeric in it as well. It will help you a lot if used in regular intervals till 3 weeks to see a difference.

Munching time with Papaya-
Whenever we fill like munching something we always have chips and junk food normally, but insteadly munch with papaya. Cut papaya in small cubes and sprinkle little black pepper on it and have whenever you feel like munching and avoid junk food as much as you can as junk food causes bloating and makes your skin oily and greecy.

Papaya skin message
Now next up we have using papaya skin as a massager. As I told you earlier papayas skin is also usefull for you. Now onwards don’t throw papaya peel use it as a massager on your face. Massage your face with papaya peel. And leave it for few minutes and then wash it with water.