Ginger is considered as an ayurvedic medicine it has medicinal properties it has wound healing and tissue repairing qualities, it can be used to cure many diseases like cough and cold , it is also effective for covid-19 is considered to be the best for your throat as well as it is a very good calorie burner you can digest in 2 mins have ginger water before your meals it would even digest pizzas and burgers for you.

it has been in use by over 200 years or more by ancient doctors, dry ginger was also used in ancient times by making a Kadha in which dry Tulsi, dry ginger, Mulethi, cinnamon stick were used to make a Kadha to keep body healthy and to keep virus and harmful pathogens away from body that’s why people in ancient India were so fit and active. they used to drink Kadha every also helps in relieving pain of periods, it helps if taken in periods you can just boil water and put half of ginger in it and let it boil for 15 minutes till it gets saugi and then drain it with the help of a strainer and drink it, as ginger has medicinal properties it will help so much in relief from periods pain. Don’t have too much ginger take it in right amounts as it increases heat in our body, it is very useful in drinking in winters to keep you warm inside, but taken in summers may result in acne.

Ginger is a superfood as Its everything is used as medicine its skin or peel can also be used, it enhances the taste of a meal as well it helps in digesting the food easily, it also helps in reducing acidity levels which makes our food digested properly and also helps fatty liver, and maintains liver health and other organs reduces cholesterol levels as well. One can make a ginger tea and drink it empty stomach it will help in bloating

it will keep you active and energized all day in work. If one has itchiness in their throat they can have a home remedy made with ginger which helps in throat relief which is- mix ginger juice with honey and drink it in a one go at least 2-3 spoons for relief in cold, cough and even helps in covid -19 as well, up to some extent. If you have kids who don’t like to eat ginger you can make them eat ginger toffees or candy’s which are easily available in market.