Eggs is a very common breakfast in all parts of world as omelette , boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, posh eggs and many more dishes as well, but do you know eggs have health benefits? Well today we are going to discuss some of it health benefits.
eggs can be used as face mask, as eggs can work as peel off mask it has skin cleaning Properties so this peel off mask is very simple you just need to separate out yolk and the white and then you have to apply egg white all over your face and then stick tissue paper on your fash as your face has already become sticky by egg white so tissue paper will easily stick on your face, then just after 15 mins or whenever you fell it has dried out , then you can wash it off with water, it will clean all your pores from inside all the black heads and white heads will be removed, use this home remedy whenever you feel you’re having acne , pimples.

Eggs are very rich in protien, in today’s Tim people stuff them with protien powders, well if we remember in old time people used to have big boddies but never had artifical protien, and if you’re also one of them who don’t like artificial protien then you must have eggs all the time in your fridge. It has emmense am out of protien in it, specially in the yolk part.

Eggs help increase high-density lipoprotein levels or good cholesterol as it’s commonly known and this is one reason why eggs have been found to have little to no effect on heart disease risk.It’s low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol that can put heart health at risk. Meals high in saturated fats and trans-fats such as deep-fried takeaway foods are the key culprits when it comes to increased risk levels of LDL cholesterol.

We all need vitamin-D in our diet, it is commonly consumed through sunlight but sometimes it is difficult to have sunlight as we all do not have time to get direct sunlight or sometimes we don’t have direct sunlight through terrace or something then eggs are a very a good substitute for filling the requirements of daily vitamin-D in your body, are a very high in vitamin-D.