Finally, you might have to see off your pretty little munchkins to school. Depending upon the condition of your area, schools might open as per protocols. For first-timers, it is a lifetime experience. You don’t need to stress about anything. Our preparation guide has all you need to know about back-to-school activities.

1) New tiffins add excitement
Having funky lunch boxes is too exciting. Give them their favorite eatables on the first day. Try to include chocolates as well. Make a schedule if you wish.

2) Buy them new face shields
Don’t rely too much on safety protocols outside. Your kid’s safety should be ensured from home. Many options are available in the market, including cartoons.

3) Masks should be cool
If kids feel suffocated, buy them breathable masks. A lot of designs and styles are available nowadays. In case the school doesn’t allow casual ones, make your kids used to wearing the general ones with time.

4) Sanitizer is a must
Make sure kids always carry a bottle of sanitizer. Fragrance can be chosen easily. Teach your kids how to clean their hands from time to time and avoid touching virus-prone areas.

5) Get them designer bottles
As per the season’s requirement, buy a thermos or bottle. Take care of the size as well. To ensure they don’t lose them, write the name and other details on a label and stick it.

6) Watches can be good gifts
Punctuality and discipline are essential for life. To keep pace in the post covid era, gift pretty watches to your kids. In this way, you can even teach them how to see the time.

7) Buy bags of their choice
New school bags make the whole experience complete. Buy bags with comfortable straps. Always keep extra handkerchiefs and other essentials in the school bag.

8) Uniform should be ready
For first-timers, take care of the fit. Too large uniforms make your kid feel conscious. Teach them how to polish shoes and tie shoelaces.

9) Let them be friendly
They have been stuck at home for long. Let your kids make friends and have fun. Introduce them to the new kids and let them play as freely as possible.

10) Craft is fun to do
As per their choice, prepare collections of colors. If your kid loves to paint, take care of cleanliness too.

11) Assemble their books
New books are the heart and soul of schooling. Cover up their books and stickers should be funky as well.

12) Set up well in advance
Don’t wait for the last day. Your agility will add up to your kid’s excitement as well.

13) Prepare a complete kit
The pencil pouch should contain everything that is required. As per your child’s age, buy non-toxic and safe stationery.