There are numerous food choices available and loads upon a lot of advice on the web about healthy eating that we will get caught up in it all and become hooked in to labels and ingredients.
Often times and unfortunately, it takes an illness to form us check out our diet and choose that it’s time to form some changes. this will convince be overwhelming, dealing with ill-health and making the changes needed to support the healing process.
When we eat, it takes a huge amount of energy for the body to breakdown and process the food that we consume. There’s tons that takes place after we swallow our food, the digestion process merely begins within the mouth. If we eat a diet which consists of mainly processed foods then this uses more energy. that’s why, after an enormous meal, you are feeling sleepy. It can take several days for the standard meal to undergo your body and it takes all of your energy trying to digest that big meal. Essentially, the body works overtime.
Kiwi fruit

Some of the health benefits include healthy digestion, young looking skin, keeps vital sign stable, helps prevent heart condition and strokes and boosts the immunity. Kiwi contains high amounts of vitamin C , potassium, fiber and and an upscale supply of minerals. Chinese medicine promotes kiwi to accelerate healing.
How to eat Kiwi fruit:
- Eat in a fruit salad; chop it up with or without the “fuzzy” skin. (Yes you’ll eat it!)
- Cut it in half and scoop it out, no need for a bowl or plate, it acts as its own serving vessel.
- Add to your smoothie, mix with other fruit of your choice or increase spinach, apples, cucumber and pears for a stunning green smoothie filled with nutrition.

We are still discovering the health benefits of onions, a number of which include anti-inflammatory properties, relief from colds and flu, lowering vital sign , help in preventing heart condition and stroke. Latest research suggests that they contain ingredients that have proven anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties. Onions even have an enormous antioxidant effect that helps relieve the symptoms of allergies and pollinosis and boosts the system .
How to eat onions:
- Add to soups and stews
- Fry with other vegetables
- In your salad
- Chop them up and make a relish
- Topping for your burger
- Slice some tomato, top with purple onion rings and add some balsamic oil for a stunning starter or addition to your meal

You will have heard the “old wives tale” that carrots improve your eyesight and there’s some truth thereto . Rich in beta – carotene, which also as improving eyesight, helps with boosting immunity, skin health and fighting off damage caused by free radicals. Carrots contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins C, D, E, and an outsized amount of vitamin A . Many conditions like carcinoma , anaemia, mental fatigue, cataracts, heart conditions, immune disorders and constipation are improved using carrots in treatment. Alpha – carotene, found in carrots, has been shown to inhibit tumour growth.
How to eat carrots:
- Raw – they’re great as a snack
- Cook during a soup or stew
- Juiced
- Add to your salad

Broccoli has been shown to assist reduce cholesterol, aid the body’s detoxification process, balance body pH, lower vital sign , prevent premature ageing of the skin also as reducing heart condition and treating inflammation.
Broccoli contains vitamins A,C,D,B-12,B-6, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and protein.
How to eat Broccoli:
- Raw , added to salad
- Steamed
- Roasted
- Add to pastas, stews, stir-frys and soups
Melon can help with health issues like high vital sign , heart condition , fever, constipation, digestion and cancer. Beneficial vitamins and minerals in melon include potassium, magnesium, fibre, Vitamins B-1, B-3, B-6 and folate also as vitamin K . All of this provides support with cell and tissue growth, wound repair, healthy skin, teeth and bones, prevention of heart condition and reduction in cancer.
These are only a couple of of the natural healing foods available to us. we actually don’t need much advice as we already know that processed food contains no nutritional value and results in obesity and disease. Food that has no additives or preservatives are going to be easily processed by the body and supply the nutrition needed.