Descipline is very important for us in life, without descipline we can’t live our life, we often think descipline as a rule or punishment but it is taught for our own benefit, in life you can procrastinate daily, you need to do work, you need to fulfill your responsibility , your commitments in life. If you are not desciplined in life you can’t reach to great hights, you need sacrifice little joys of heart’s to achieve something greater in life. So now when you learned you need descipline in life and If you’re less desciplined in life , you need to be desciplined , don’t worry we’ll help you to get more desciplined or improve your descipline. So let us get started without wasting any time,
Take cold showers-
Taking cold showers will awaken you within, it is scientifically proven that showering in cold water helps you to be more disciplined in life. You don’t procastinate in things in you shower in cold water in early morning.

Don’t hit snooze to your alarm-
Never hit snooze your alarm, wake at that instant when your alarm rings, don’t snooze it wake go do your exercise and I’ll tell you a bonus point set your alarm 1 hour before you set it usually, go for a walk, not for exercise but to find more time for yourself, clear your minds clutter before the day starts. If you don’t wish to walk dont just sit in your balcony to take fresh air atleast one hour.

Never skip leg day-
Force your self to do leg day, put yourself in uncomfortable zone, come out of your comfortable zone if you want to do something big in life. Do things which you are worried to-do. Wear dresses you don’t wear, but you want to wear but you’re worried what people think about you.

Reduce your screen time-
Reduce your phone using time, as social media is very addictive you need to fight from the things you are addictive find more time for more important things, using the time you use on phone on meditation, yoga, exercise, or any thing productive according to you.

Stop eating junk food-
Stop eating junk food, descipline yourself tell yourself what’s good for you and what not, difference between good and bad, and descipline tells you that exactly doing whats good for you and not even it’s addictive or super addictive for you, you need to leave it. And junk food is an perfect example of this, junk food is super addictive but you need to control your mind before it controls you!!