The height plays an important role in improving the personality of an individual. Undoubtedly, people are always desperate to increase their height in any possible way. Nowadays, a series of medications and acupressure treatments that claim height gain are available. But, these are quite expensive and have associated side effects. In addition, there is no 100% success guarantee for these methods.

Therefore, the best possible way to increase the height is naturally combining an exercise routine with the proper diet. The proper exercise helps to tone and strengthen its muscles, releasing the growth hormones that are responsible for the height gain. The proper diet maintains these hormones fresh and active and helps reconstruct themselves.
Exercises To Gain Height

Although it is a well-known fact that the height of the vertical body is determined by genetic factors, it can even be influenced by the measure of physical factors such as diet and exercise. For the most part, growth stops after the start of puberty when the growth plates in the long bones of our body are merged. However, growth still continues for some people even at the age of 22-25 and, therefore, it is possible to add a few centimeters at their height even after this stage, recurring to exercise to increase the height.
These exercises must be adopted and regularly practiced 2-3 times a week to obtain better results. Exercise should be avoided on exercise, as it can cause injuries and impede the body’s ability to recover.
1. Bar Hanging

Gravity negatively affects the height by compressing your joints & spines, which tightens and contracts the cartilage, which gives it a shorter appearance. Hanging in a vertical bar is a simple way to combat this problem. Hanging makes the weight of the lower torso stretch the spine and decrease the pull on the vertebrae. This translates into increasing height in 1 to 2 inches, but not instantly.
A horizontal bar for this must be placed at such a height that allows the body to extend with the room to move. If your body can not extend completely, then bend your knees slightly to hang freely. Make sure that while you grab the bar, your palms face out. While hanging, keep your arms, shoulders and hips as possible as possible, so that gravity effectively stops the body. For additional benefits, you can try to use ankle weights. This process must last 20 seconds with a space between them and must be repeated at least 3 times. This can undoubtedly be considered a good choice between increasing height exercises.
2. Dry Land Swim

This exercise is also known as an “alternative kick” and basically focuses on your lower back.
Start lying flat on your stomach. Your body must be fully extended. Place your arms straight in front of you with your palm facing down to the floor. Then lift your left arm higher than your right arm. Keep your feet straight, lift your right leg as far as you can in the air. Stay in this position for at least 4 seconds and then repeat the procedure with your other leg and other hands. You must aim to hold a position for 20 seconds. Adding an wrist and ankle will be more useful because it will tighten your lower back muscles and increase your resistance.
3. Pelvic Shift

Being very simple, this exercise helps stretch your body up and down from the spine and your hips.
You can start lying on your back. Place your shoulders and your arms strongly on the floor. Now bend your knees and pull your feet as close as your buttocks. Curved your back to push your pelvis up. This position must be held for 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise allows you to stretch more to provide flexibility to your front hip.
4. Cobra Stretch

This yoga practice is intended to stretch your spine, making it flexible. This is useful for the growth of cartilage between your spine, causing an increase in your vertical height. Lie on the floor with your face down and palms on the floor under your shoulder. Your spine arches add your chin to form a high angle. The arch returns as far as possible. At least 3-4 repetitions must be done with any repetition which lasts between 5 to 30 seconds.
5.Hopping With One Leg

Being one of the simplest exercises ever, this can be done anywhere, in any activity such as watching TV, playing in the park or when doing other jobs. Hop on your left foot eight times with a hand that points to the sky and then goes up to your right foot in the same way. This bouncing activity is useful for brain development, leg strengthening and generation of growth hormone.