As we all know this pandemic has taught so many new words like isolation, lockdown,quarantine, etc., but one of the word we will all remember for our life which is ‘immunity’. Immunity means the natural power we have of our body already to fight the virus. You can fight with your immunity without taking any supplements not only for this covid 19 virus pandemic but also for any other disease as well, but rather than taking artificial supplements from the hospital in the form of injections and Streiods use your natural immunity to fight the virus.
Let’s us know how you can build natural immunity by using 4 natural sources available in your own kitchen-
Water is the basic thing we miss in our daily life. Water being so important for our body but we still ignore it , water is so important to build our immunity. Atleast 4Ltr of water should be consumed daily to build a good immunity level in body.

Vitamin C-
Vitamin c is a very good source to build immunity,people these days have vitamin c Chewable tablets but these tablets have so much sweet in it that a person can’t consume so much sugar in there daily diet, insteadly one should have natural sources of vitamin c for that one should have fruits rich in vitamin c like orange, kiwi, strawberry and papaya, this will help you so much in building great levels of natural immunity.

Green and leafy vegetables
As truly told by our parents that green vegetables make our mind and bones strong. Immunity can be build by just making small changes in our lives. Having green vegetables is one of them. You should try to consume as much as green vegetables as you can in your daily dietdiet to build highest level of immunity you can include spinach, bottle guard, lady finger etc., in your diet you can have some cucumber in salad also, Cucumber is known for its cooling property as well, it is the best for your body if you’re having it in summers.

Avoiding suggary and fastfood-
It is a matter of choice if you want to be healthy you can’t have too much suggary and oily food in your diet. It may look nothing in the beginning but it would harm your body so much in such a little time that it would take months to recover that. It is scientifically proved that eating pizza , burger and all of that stuff decreases your immunity levels. So if you want to build you immunity to the greatest levels and save your money from the hospital bills, Quit suggary and oily foods now it is fine to have cheat meals in once or twice a week but when you have it daily , it slowly starts to eat you from inside. So if you want to build good immunity you need to have your control on this.